Tuesday, 20 January 2009

To be or not to be employed

In English we say I go, and he goes. The change in the word go is called agreement, and just like English, French verbs have to agree too. There are many verbs that follow regular patterns but one of the most important verbs is also one that changes the most - to be. It is worth knowing all parts of this verb, but the best way to learn it is with words that mean something to you. For example, think of jobs. I am a civil servant (fonctionairre) or you are a journalist (journaliste).

If you are talking about jobs the French don't use the word 'a'. I am a dentist is je suis dentiste. If he is unemployed it is slightly different. Il est au chômage.

Learn the verb and learn it with people that you know and add their jobs. This will help you remember the verb and the name of the job. You can kill two birds with one stone.

A bientôt

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